Past Life Hypnosis

What is past life regression and how does it work?

 Past life regression helps us connect to our past. The past can be yesterday and stem back many many years.

Firstly, it’s helpful to know what needs addressing. Annie will sit down with you and have an in-depth discussion about past hurt, fear and relationships that may have led to decisions being made that are no longer serving you. For example: Many people in relationships have a tendency to distrust their current partner as a previous partner hurt them. This can create issues in the current relationship due to past life trauma.

By exploring the past life around these events Annie can guide you to releasing the negative side of the experience and letting it go so your current life and purpose can be enhanced.

Another avenue of past life therapy is experiencing a good event from your life and then bringing that forward to your current desires. For example: You may wish to tap into the motivation you had when you were younger to achieve something. By returning to a past life that you already lived you can remind your mind, body and soul of what it is like to achieve the outcome you want and sustain the motivation. This enhances your willpower to succeed and solidifies the potential for success.


What does past life regression mean?

Past life regression is a method that uses hypnosis to recover things you may have forgotten about. Allow me to guide you to one of those things now. Breath deeply and slowly for a few moments. Think back to what you did for you last birthday … It doesn’t matter if it was a negative or positive memory. Now take some time to think of a person you had a crush on when you were a teenager. Perhaps it was someone in class or a movie star that you really liked. Now think of something way back when you were a small child. Perhaps a favourite piece of clothing or a favourite toy, food or tv show. Take some time to remember those fond memories now.

All those memories are still in your unconscious mind. But without the right trigger they remain stored away. Annie will assist you to safely access the memories required to improve your life and let go of the past hurts and pains.


Can past life regression assist with trauma, anxiety, and depression?

Absolutely. It is a very effective form of hypnosis that is safe and natural.

Who can benefit from past life healing?

Many people can benefit from past life healing. People with chronic health issues that have no known origin can regress back in time to alleviate the physical manifestations that occur.

For example: Some people can have an ongoing issue such as a phobia and no knowledge of where it first began. Past Life Regression can guide you back to the moment, reassess the memory and then let go of why it was there.

Past life regression can also assist with chronic regional pain, sexual abuse, headaches, stress, amputations, phantom pains and even things such as bad luck.

Some people will say “I’m having a run of bad luck”. Annie can guide you back in time to the exact moment it started and assist you to reassess the situation so you can move on into a better future.


Past life regression can also assist with learning limitations. When we are young, we make decisions based on what our teachers and parents taught us. If a teacher or parent constantly told us “You will never be loved” this can be solidified as truth in our minds, and we proceed with life based on that knowledge. Regardless of evidence saying “you are worthy of love” we still struggle to shake the belief off. Annie will guide you back to the moment the belief was installed and assist you to recreate a new belief so you can let the old one go.

Other negative beliefs we can take on are:

·       I can’t do that

·       I will always be fat

·       I’m not smart enough

·       I’m too old

·       I’ve always been a drinker

·       My mother had depression and so do I

If these beliefs are in your mind, contact Annie for a free consult and chat about Past Life Regression and how it can assist you in the healing process.

 How do I get started?

We offer a FREE 30 minute discovery consultation so we can discuss your challenges and then recommend the right solution for you. We then develop a tailored program so you can start releasing weight and go on to live the life you want. To book a consultation click the button below and you will be directed to our online booking system OR if you prefer you can just call us on 0448 210 910 to book in.


Please note that prices, solutions and what’s involved are only provided at the completion of your consultation.

If you have any further questions please email me at